
VMS and REHAaktiv have been cooperating for many years at the interface between insurance medicine and rehabilitation.

The following joint developments of VMS Hannover and Reha-Aktiv are available to customers:

  • Medical and occupational rehabilitation as part of personal injury management in liability insurance.

  • Claims management and cost reduction in personal accident insurance

  • Case management in occupational disability and occupational rehabilitation

  • Occupational rehabilitation of persons with mental illness including long term telephone coaching

  • Claims management for high-cost cases in TPD, PA and Health Insurance

Our partner in the network

With six full-time psychologists, REHAaktiv offers a wide range of preventive and reintegration measures in the event of incapacity to work or risk of disability:

  • Immediate intervention
  • Short- or long-term coaching
  • Workplace analyses and reintegration support