The Malteser is an international Catholic charity organisation. The Malteser helps people in need, regardless of their religion, origin or political beliefs, in Germany and worldwide. In Germany, there are almost 50,000 Malteser volunteers. With almost 31,000 full-time employees, Malteser is also one of the major employers in the health and social services.
A long-standing product partnership with Malteser has been established with the physicians of VMS. Within the framework of product developments for elderly persons in accident insurance (accident for the elderly, accident for senior citizens). The services provided by the Malteser Service Center for persons in need of assistance have since become standard in the insurance market.
VMS continues to develop new assistance solutions with Malteser for various insurance lines. For example for:
With significant support from VMS physicians, tele-underwriting was established with the Malteser Service Center. This service covers the entire spectrum from pure data collection to complete risk assessment.
In cooperation between VMS, Triangulum and the Malteser Service Center, the following types of insurances are considered:
Telephone underwriting is the ideal solution for bancassurance. All health questions are asked downstream. The customer’s privacy is guaranteed at the bank.
Our partner in the network
At present, the MSC manages approximately 2.0 million personal accident policies with assistance benefit riders.
